Sandston - SNTNVASS
Updated: 12:40PM EST 09/07/2004
Operating Company:Verizon Virginia, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): Bell Atlantic - Virginia, Inc.
C&P Telephone Co. of VA
Operating Company Number:9213
Office Name:Sandston
Location:41 Hanover Rd.
Sandston, Henrico Co., VA
Colocated Carrier(s):Cavalier Telephone
jpeg thumbnail image of Bell Atlantic Sandston CO


CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
Bell AtlanticSNTNVASSDS0Lucent 5ESS804328, 737, 781, 952

Remote Terminal(s)
AddressCLLIRemote Name
5042 Rockhill Rd.MCHVVAU0086
Darbytown Rd.?PG8 PED141-2, FH304 PG13B PED P1-S
136 Nine Mile Rd.?PG18
Huntsman Rd.?PG18 FH302 81115
Meadow Rd. & Woodview Dr.?PG20 RT3323 PED6
4400 W. Williamsburg Rd.SNTNVAU0045PG21 SYS25-30
6881 Elko Rd.SNTNVAU0050PG22 SYS31-36, 53
Elko Track Rd.SNTNVAU0009PG23 SYS41-4, 49-50 SYS52 PED13