Buena Vista - BNVSVAXA
Updated: 11:27AM EST 08/07/2005
Operating Company:Sprint Mid-Atlantic
Former Operating Company:Central Telephone Co. of VA (CENTEL)
Operating Company Number:0254
Office Name:Buena Vista
Location:2202 Magnolia Ave.
Buena Vista, VA
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of Sprint Local Buena Vista CO

Office has been expanded an amazing three times. The original CO is in the front facing Magnolia Ave. with the additions behind it along W. 22nd Street. It is also thought that U.S. Cellular may have a switch here as the address for the U.S. Cellular Buena Vista MTSO is that of a cell tower by the landfill.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
SprintBNVSVAXARS0Nortel DMS RSC540261, 264

Remote Terminal(s)
AddressCLLIRemote Name
Forge & Wesley Chapel Roads?BV02 Wesley Chapel
River Rd. & Chessie La.?BV04 River Road