Updated: 09:29AM EST 08/07/2005
Operating Company:AT&T Corp.
Former Operating Company(s):
Operating Company Number:N/A
Office Name:High St.
Location:1430 E. High St.
Charlottesville, VA
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of AT&T Charlottesville High St. POP

POP was originally a K carrier repeater station on the Upper Strasburg, PA to Lynchburg cable. The facility was retained when the K carrier route was retired and now support fiber optic communications between Roanoke and the switch in Arlington County. The office also supports a microwave link to the AT&T microwave tower on top of Carter's Mountain. The AT&T name for this facility is Charlottesville No. 1. Charlottesville No. 2 is a still manned troposcatter site in the southwest mountain range outside of Charlottesville. C'vill No. 3 is the microwave site on top of Carter's Mountain (I think).

This POP seems to have fiber that goes back to the troposcatter site outside of town. Additionally, the single microwave link allows the POP to communicate with the troposcatter site via a microwave link involving the microwave sites in Pendleton, Cartersville and Dillwyn.