Falls Church - ARTNVAFC
Updated: 06:32PM EST 12/27/2005
Operating Company:Verizon Virginia, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): Bell Atlantic - Virginia, Inc.
C&P Telephone Co. of Va
Operating Company Number:9213
Office Name:Falls Church
Location:6700 Lee Hwy.
Arlington Co., VA
Colocated Carrier(s):Intermedia Communications, Inc. - VA (8429)
jpeg thumbnail image of Bell Atlantic Falls Church CO

The 462 exchange has been reassigned to MCI's Ingraham in Washington, D.C. MCI owns Intermedia. Office is older than dirt with original 1964 Bell System logos on the front door. A very large expansion extends the rear of the building but is secluded by trees and other vegitation.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
Bell AtlanticARTNVAFCCG0Western Electric 1AESS703237, 241, 531-4, 536,

Remote Terminal(s)
AddressCLLIRemote Name
7124 Leesburg Pike?FC002
7124 Leesburg Pike?FC010
1701 N. George Mason Dr.??