Dahlgren DMS-100 - DHLGVAXA
Updated: 12:29PM EST 11/16/2004
Operating Company:Verizon South, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): GTE South, Inc. - Virginia
Continental Telephone System (CONTEL)
Operating Company Number:0233
Office Name:Dahlgren DMS-100
Location:5106 Dahlgren Rd. (Rt. 614)
Dahlgren, King George Co., VA
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of GTE Dahlgren CO

In the late 1950s this office rivaled most central Manhattan central offices in terms of phone line density. What is more surprising is that the area consists or a highway and numerous farms. At the time there was probably less than that in this area. Why this density of phone service was and still is required is an exercise left to the reader...

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
GTE SouthDHLGVAXADS0Nortel DMS-100540284, 469, 644, 653,

Remote Terminal(s)
AddressCLLIRemote Name