Remington - RMTNVARE
Updated: 10:44AM EST 01/05/2005
Operating Company:Verizon Virginia, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): Bell Atlantic - Virginia, Inc.
C&P Telephone Co. of Va
Operating Company Number:9213
Office Name:Remington
Location:Washington & Church Streets
Remington, Fauquier Co. ,VA
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of Bell Atlantic Remington Co

Not the best composition but it does obscure the nasty Verizon sign. It also shows how the office has undergone two expansions, possibly to accomodate the old numbers station to the east before the coming of Lightwave Spectrum's fiber optic cable.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
Bell AtlanticRMTNVARERSMLucent 5A RSM540439