Updated: 03:02PM EST 11/07/2004
Operating Company:Verizon South, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): GTE South, Inc. - Virginia
Continental Telephone System (CONTEL)
Operating Company Number:0233
Office Name:GLDS-338
Location:8794 E. Richmond Hwy.
Gladstone, Nelson Co., VA
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of GTE Gladstone CO

In the July 2001 ACG Report #1 GTE added GLDSVAXARL0, a Nortel DMS REM but hasn't deleted the original switch, GLDSVAXARS0, a Stromberg-Carlson DCO. As such GLDSVAXARS0 is being listed for historical reasons.

It is also worth mentioning, while faded, this one of not even a handful of exGTE offices not to have their original signage torn down and replaced with large, garish verizon signage. With a fresh concrete pad near by for a new generator installation it remains to be seen if this office will be passed over by the "sign swaper contractors".

Of note is the ariel cable "vault" entrance, a rare sight.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
GLDSVAXARS0Stromberg-Carlson DCO RLS

Remote Terminal(s)
AddressCLLIRemote Name
AT&T Troposcatter access road off W. Rt. 60GLDSVAKBKiln Branch
?GLDSVAAALiberty Chapel