Palmyra - PLMYVAXA
Updated: 04:48PM EST 03/27/2005
Operating Company:Sprint Mid-Atlantic
Former Operating Company: Central Telephone Co. of VA (CENTEL)
Operating Company Number:0254
Office Name:Palmyra
Location:136xx S. Rt. 15 @ Palmyra
Palmyra, Fluvanna Co., VA
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of Sprint Palmyra CO

One of the few non-square designs used by Sprint Local (in NC or VA!). Palmyra as well as Dillwyn are the only remote switches that seem to make a radical style change in building design when compared to the bulk of other Sprint offices.

The town of Palmyra is not to be confused with the Palmyra in Syria. On the other hand, Palmyra, North Carolina is Sprint Local territory.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
SprintPLMYVAXARS0Nortel DMS RSC?434510, 589, 591

Remote Terminal(s)
AddressCLLIRemote Name
160x S. Rt. 15?PM03 Zion's XRoads
640x Community Store Rd.?PM09 ?
605x Rt. 659?PM20 ?