Alta Vista? - ALTVVAXA
Updated: 09:22PM EST 07/21/2005
Operating Company:Sprint Mid-Atlantic
Former Operating Company:Central Telephone Co. of VA (CENTEL)
Operating Company Number:0254
Office Name:Alta Vista?
Location:607 7th St.
Alta Vista, Campbell Co., VA
Colocated Carrier(s):MCI
jpeg thumbnail image of Sprint Alta Vista CO

Note mismatched brick on expansion side of building. This could have been due to the need for additional capacity during the upgrade to digital switching systems or space to accomodate interconnection to People's Mutual Telephone Co. in Pittslyvania County. However, the latter probably occured at the main Bell office in Danville.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
SprintALTVVAXARS0Nortel DMS RSC434303, 369