Hagerstwon - HGTWMDHG
Updated: 04:34PM EST 12/04/2005
Operating Company:Verizon Maryland, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): Bell Atlantic - Maryland, Inc.
C&P Telephone Co. of MD
Operating Company Number:9213
Office Name:Hagerstown
Location:120 W. Antietam St.
Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of Bell Atlantic Hagerstown CO

A big office but not a tandem (those are in Frederick and Cumberland), despite this the big three IXCs (AT&T, Sprint and probably MCI) have their POPs in the Hagerstown area instead of in Cumberland which is way out in the rural wastelands of mountainous western Maryland.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
Bell AtlanticHGTWMDHGDS0Lucent 5ESS240313, 420
301313, 393, 416, 665,
714, 733, 739, 745,
766, 790-1, 797