Indian Head - INHDMDIN
Updated: 11:03PM EST 01/04/2004
Operating Company:Verizon Maryland, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): Bell Atlantic - Mayrland, Inc.
C&P Telephone Co. of MD
Operating Company Number:9212
Office Name:Indian Head
Location:4270 Struass Ave.
Indian Head, Charles Co., MD
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of Bell Atlantic Indian Head CO

This very ugly and run down office is composed of three very disjointed sections giving it an overall frankstien-esq feel. Oddly the CO is a reflection of the town, a big dump. Sort of a "land evolution forgot" or "land the developers have overlooked".

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
Bell AtlanticINHDMDINRS0Lucent 5A RSM301743-4, 753